Citrus x latifolia


Probably an hybrid resulting from lemon and citron, the lime has spread from India and Malaysia also thanks to its use on British merchant ships as a remedy against scurvy.

Fruteiro’s variety of lime is the Citrus x latifolia, commonly called variety Tahiti, characterized, compared to other, by more oval and particularly tasty fruits.
Appreciated for its good content of vitamin C, lime is the ideal ingredient for sorbets and cocktails (including the classics, the Caipirinha and Mojito).

Valores Nutricionais e características Químico-Físicas médio por cada 100g

Informação nutricional

Valores por 100g VNR* %
Energia 31kcal - 131 kj
Proteínas 0.4 g
Carboidratos 3.5 g
Gorduras 0.1 g
Vitamina C 30.0 g - 38 %

Características químico-físicas

Valores por 100g
Acidez (Ácido Cítrico) 5.2 g
Sólidos totais 9 g
Sólidos solúveis 7 ° Brix

* VRN = Valores de referência dos nutrientes